The RAPID Framework: my proven path to success

The RAPID Framework is a proprietary process that will empower you to solve any problem with the resources you already have.

Whether it’s a leadership or business challenge or goal, we’ll use RAPID to help you uncover the possibilities that already exist, proactively pursue them, and reach your goals fast.

As a Green Beret, I learned how to tackle complex challenges with limited resources. The RAPID Framework combines this problem-solving expertise with my Lean Six Sigma training and triple MBA to bring you the best of the best of what I’ve learned – the principles that changed my life and that I live by today.

I will guide you through this process, not only helping you apply it to your current situation, but also teaching you its principles so you can use it on your own, in any situation you encounter.

You will get tools to take with you for the rest of your life, a way of living and leading that will make you more operationally efficient, focused, and successful every day.

Show Me The Way

The RAPID Framework


Review problems

First, we get honest about the problems that need solving and dream big about what what your business could look like without them in the way. There is no blame or shame here. This is a chance to take radical ownership so you can get the business you want.


Assess resources

Every problem represents an opportunity. We look for possibilities that already exist and the resources you already have to help you seize these opportunities.


Plan action

Together, we will create your step-by-step roadmap to success. We don’t wait for things to be perfect to act. We will always be moving forward, together.


Implement plan

Here is where you start making your plan reality. As you implement your plan, I’ll guide you, hold you accountable, measure results, and offer fresh ideas along the way.


Deliver on mission

You will develop a clear systems and processes for your business and confidently make decisions that align with your direction so you can reach your goals, make more money, and achieve the success you desire.

No matter how insurmountable your challenge seems or how audacious your goal is, I’ve got you.

No more waiting for your circumstances to change to get the results you want. Learn how to harness your strengths and maximize your business's potential today.

Let’s Work Together