Hi, I’m Jeff, a former Green Beret turned leadership and business coach.

I’m so glad you’re here.

Something brought you here today because you’re ready for more – ready to do more, achieve more, and be more.

You want to maximize the potential of your business, put reliable systems and processes in place, and start running your business as efficiently as possible (instead of it running you).

It’s time to make your business all it could be –
and I’m here to help you get there.

Book Your Free Discovery Call

Average isn’t bad…but it isn’t great.

I know what it’s like to live an ordinary life.

And I know what it’s like to accomplish a dream that once seemed far-fetched or impossible – and how to get there.

When I was in my early 20s, I lived like most 20-somethings do: working hard all week and partying all weekend.

I had a good job, and on paper, I looked successful. But my life wasn’t going anywhere.

I was complacent. Normal. Average.

There was something in my soul calling me to more.

I had always dreamed of joining the military. My dad served in the Army, and I felt that it made him the man he was. So, I quietly began working towards that goal, training for two and a half years on my own before joining the military at age 28.

I wanted to go into Special Forces, but first I had to go through basic training and airborne school. As a former college football player, I was no stranger to training, but I had never trained like this.

It was a lot of work and a huge transition from my comfortable corporate life. But every step of the way, I kept my focus on what was ahead of me – my bigger goal and my “why.”

Most importantly, I learned how to get uncomfortable to get what I wanted, creatively solve problems, and develop the confidence to know I could handle anything life threw my way.

I could no longer settle for average, and my life hasn’t been the same since.

When I left the military, I began pursuing a triple MBA and getting certified in the Lean Six Sigma methodology so I could bring what I learned to leaders, entrepreneurs, and small business owners like you.

Through each of these formative trainings, I have discovered tools and principles to optimize every area of my life and become more than I ever thought I could be.

Now, as your coach, I’ll teach you these tools so you can develop a clear vision for your business and confidently take action to live an extraordinary life full of freedom, balance, and purpose.

The time is now.

It’s so easy to get distracted by the daily challenges, demands, and responsibilities that burden you and hold you down. You spend year after year in survival mode until you realize opportunity after opportunity has passed you by.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. With the right systems and processes in place, you can find the respect, freedom, and success you dream of as a leader – while making more money and achieving more than you thought possible.

No more regrets. No more missed opportunities. Nothing but everything you and your business can be.

Are you ready to stop settling for average and build an extraordinary business?

I’m Ready! Where Do I Start?
Wade D.

Wade D.

Jeff's unwavering support and encouragement have created a nurturing environment for growth. He consistently goes above and beyond to ensure that I am equipped with the necessary tools and resources to thrive in my endeavors. Whether it was providing insightful feedback or offering constructive criticism, Jeff's guidance was always constructive and delivered with the utmost professionalism.

What sets Jeff apart as a mentor is his ability to inspire and empower those around him. He possesses exceptional leadership qualities and a deep understanding of mentorship, which he effortlessly translates into actionable guidance. Jeff's guidance has instilled in me the belief that with determination and commitment, I can achieve greatness in my personal and professional pursuits.

I feel truly fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with Jeff and consider him an invaluable asset in my journey towards personal and professional development. If you are seeking mentorship from a high-quality leader, I wholeheartedly recommend Jeff. His profound expertise, unwavering dedication, and exceptional leadership make him an indispensable mentor capable of propelling individuals towards achieving their goals.